Vampire Night

It was an ordinary day for me, Yara Hourrara, a nurse at the Central Hospital in Berlin, Germany. Since my salary barely allowed me to subsist, I had to work hard by working overtime to pay for my higher education.
That night, the patients did not ask for any particular care and the floor was quiet strangely calm. A little too quiet for my taste! No doctor, no nurse, no patient in sight! A heavy silence reigned in the corridors. For a building that was usually crowded with patients and doctors. It was something very suspicious. Since there was nobody, I decided to organize the blood bank. I wanted to open the door, contrary to all expectations, it was unlocked, Weird noises came from inside. Having taken my courage in both hands. I pushed the door open. What I saw changed my perspective of things and my beliefs never changed. My blood froze in my veins and my heart began to beat like a watch hanging in my ears.
Nurses, doctors, even the receptionist, all weakened and slaughtered on the floor, covered in blood and hungry, engulfed, one by one, the contents of the bags of plasma and the blood immediately left in purple threads. I remained petrified at this sight and it was only when a few drops splashed on my face that I came out of my torpor. I tried to flee but stayed there like a stone statue, paralyzed by terror. One of those horrible creatures ended up noticing me and was about to hit me. His eyes froze me: I saw there greed and unfulfilled hunger. Suddenly, I felt a hand pull me out and slam the door behind me. It was a nurse I had never met before, a complete stranger had just saved my life! We were in the same mess. Strong knocks were heard on the other side of the door, which could give away at any moment. We took our legs to our necks, and ran out of breath. Alas, a monster caught up with us. Terror seized me when I noticed that my companion had disappeared. Out of breath, I glanced behind me. What I saw made me completely mad: the beast had immobilized the nurse on the ground. His countenance took on a wild expression that I had never seen him. With a feline agility, she rushes on her neck she began to suck with an air of indescribable pleasure. She greedily gulped the blood in small sips and then slowly and carefully. When the vital liquid did not come, she stood up, her eyes wet and bright, always hungry. Having realized that I was his next victim, I fled ...
I headed for the exit, hailed a taxi and asked him to drive me to the airport. I could take shelter in my studio, at a neighbor's house, at a friend's house, but I decided to go as far as possible, to leave behind this city of misfortune to start all over again. I choose my destination at random, and take, without really paying particular attention, the way for Russia.
Today I have my diploma, I have a husband and I am about to give birth to my first child. In the waiting room, I wait until my baby is given to me and examined by me, whose strident cries fill the room. The doctor who holds him in his arms is finally approaching. I looked up to thank him ... Oh! No ! It is not possible ! The same eyes that had haunted me all my life ... the same hungry eyes ... no way out ... no escape is possible!
BTW look behind you ☺